I rose out of bed and made my hotel room coffee and tore open the powder creamer to pour in my cup. Nothin’ like hotel room coffee☺ But, it does the job, or at least fulfills my hand to mouth habbit in the mornings. I relaxed and typed at my computer before heading out this morning. Eventually I checked out of the hotel and glided my bike in first gear out of the parking lot.

I few miles down the road, I stopped on the highway to catch a couple photos from the road of Don and Laurie’s gift shop. They hold pow-wows on their land and Don is excitedly getting ready to house the traveling Viet Nam Memorial Wall at their place while it is in Mahnomen. While crouching in the weeds taking photos, a bug relaxed on my speedometer.

I traveled to Brainerd today. Along the way I stopped for a while in Detroit Lakes. I watched the trains returning to the West today with empty cars. Yesterday they headed East with what I think was coal or ore, but I am not sure what it was. In Wadena, I abruptly stopped my bike to check out a pack of Alpaca’s in a ranchers yard. No one seemed to be home and I hope it was alright to check out the pets. I love these guys. I have never seen them in person before.

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